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Get In touch
- St Mary’s Monastery,
- Hatton Road,
- Kinnoull,
- Perth, PH2 7BP
- +44 (0)1738 624075
Raising a Concern with Us
If you have a concern about how you or someone else is being or has been treated by a Redemptorist or anyone connected with the charity, whether in the course of their religious duties or otherwise, please contact us.
Emergency – If you have serious concerns of immediate risk to a child, young person or vulnerable adult please call 999 or contact your local police station in the first instance and then make a report to us as soon as is practicable
Non emergency – If there is no immediate risk of harm but you need to speak to someone in confidence urgently, please call Br David Nyamuronda CSsR our Safeguarding Officer on 07425355413 which is manned 9am – 5pm or contact us using the contact from below and someone will respond to you. Our email for all issues relating to this matter is
More information – SAFEGUARDING POLICY
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